des macarons Enjoy this simple, relaxing story about a picnic which gradually unfolds as vocabulary is introduced item by item to a musical accompaniment.

The story is about a picnic, but as it’s a very posh one with full table settings (including napkins!) it’s equally suitable for use in café or restaurant topics or daily routines. 

The first 3 sections are available to preview. Subscribe to enjoy the full story and download the printable resources.

Also in EnglishGerman and Spanish.

Click image for video preview. Log in for the full version!

Language used in each section:

1. des fleurs, une abeille, une nappe

2. une assiette, un couteau, une fourchette, une cuillère, un verre, une serviette de table

3. un pichet, du sel, du poivre, de la moutarde, de la mayonnaise

4. une salade verte, une tomate rouge, une autre tomate rouge, trois tomates rouges

5. une planche à pain, un couteau à pain, une baguette, coupez le pain, du beurre

6. du jambon, de la mayonnaise? ... ou de la moutarde? des cornichons

7. une crevette, deux, trois, quatre, cinq crevettes

8. des bananes, des raisins, une pomme rouge, des fruits

9. des macarons, du fromage,
Et puis? Merveilleux! un énorme gâteau! Qui a faim? Bon appetit!

10. Ah non! Il pleut! Youpi! Qui a mangé tout ça? La fin

Word Mats

A set of 3 vocabulary reference sheets for use in pair or group work.
Click to preview or download.

Word Mat 2

Word Mat 3

Playing cards

Set of 40 cards for games and role play.