You can pay online on a secure PayPal page using PayPal or credit/debit card.
If you'd rather pay by bank transfer or by cheque, Contact us and we’ll send you an invoice.
Once you’ve signed up, you will automatically receive an email with your password.
Please get in touch with us if you have not received the email.
Your log in is your email address and you can change your password at any time.
Enter your details, click the subscribe button, choose your payment method and you’re done!
Enter your details and school name and choose a pupil user name and password.
This pupil user name can be shared with all teachers and pupils in your school and can be used in school and at home, as long as the user is a member of the purchasing institution. You can change the pupil user name and password at any time (don’t worry, pupils won’t be able to do this!)
Access to the site must not be shared with users outside the purchasing institution.
I don’t have a PayPal account, how do I pay online?
To pay by PayPal, simply enter your PayPal password.
To pay by credit or debit card, select 'Check Out as Guest.'
You can then enter your card details.
As soon as payment is complete, you will receive an email containing your log on details for access to the website.
I haven't received an email with my password
The email is automatically sent as soon as the transaction is complete. If you haven't received it, please check your junk mail. Contact us if there is still a problem.
I don't live in the UK - can I still subscribe to the website?
No problem! When you complete the form, PayPal (or your credit card company if you are paying by card) will convert the cost from UK pounds to your local currency based on the exchange rate at the time of the transaction.
Can I have an invoice for my school so that I can pay by bank transfer or cheque?
Yes, just drop us an email at and we’ll send you an invoice for your records.
If I subscribe, can I only access stories and resources in one language?
No, subscription allows you to access all of the stories and resources on the website. That's 54 at the last count!
So, what do I get for my money? How many stories do you have?
English – The Gingerbread Man, Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red, The Four Musicians of Bremen, Let’s Have a Picnic, Easter Egg Hunt, Advent Calendar story, I Want a Pet, Miss Polly had a Dolly, One Two Three Four Five, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, Christmas Wishes, The Enormous Turnip, Freedom poem, Poetry for a Change, Where is Santa?
French- Le Bonhomme de Pain d'Épice, Jacques et les Haricots Magiques, Petit Chaperon Rouge, Les Quatre Musiciens de Brême, Pique-niquons, La Chasse aux Oeufs, Calendrier de l'Avent, Je Voudrais un Animal, Two Short French Poems, Tête, épaules, genoux, pieds, Souhaits pour Noël, Le Navet Géant, La Liberté poem, La Poésie pour un Changement, Où est le Père Noël?
German– Rotkäppchen, Lasst uns Picknicken, Ostereiersuche, Adventskalender, Weihnachtswünsche, Die riesengroße Rübe, Freiheit poem, Poesie für einene Wechsel, Wo ist der Weihnachtsmann?
Spanish- El Hombre de Jengibre, Juanito y el Tallo de Habas, Caperucita Roja, Vamos de Picnic, La Búsqueda de Huevos de Pascua, Calendario de Advenimiento, Quiero Una Mascota, Four short Spanish poems, Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas, Pies, Deseos de Navidad, El Nabo Gigante, Libertad poem, Poema para un Cambio, ¿Dónde está Santa?
Bulgarian - Dyádo i Ryapa
What happens when a new story is added to the site?
We’re adding new stories and resources all the time. If you have a subscription, you’ll be able to access anything new as soon as it is published.
Do your stories work on iPads and mobile phones?
Yes, our stories work on all devices. They can be played, paused, fast forwarded etc using the video player controls.
What happens at the end of my subscription?
We will send you a reminder that your subscription is about to expire. We hope that you will renew, but if you choose not to do so, you will still have access to all the printable resources and files which you have downloaded.
What if my question isn't answered here?
Please get in touch if you have any queries or experience any problems when signing up.
We reserve the right to suspend access to accounts where misuse of passwords is detected.